This phrase represents the core value of our project: educating teenagers in social inclusion and integration, fighting bullying through sport, in particular through the discipline of Beach Golf. Indeed, the project addresses European high schools with bullying problems, having as target students young people aged 11-17 years old. The project will be developed also involving European universities, and has general goal it has the decreasing of bullying in the target schools. More specifically, it aims at decreasing by 10% the level of bullying as well as the level of school leave due to bullying in the targeted high schools. The core event will be an European sport event involving 225 participants from 15 different EU Member States. Furthermore, it will give the possibilities to know a new sport as well as making a profession out of it, as better explain in the methodology section.
The aim of this project is to raise awareness of the fight against bullying through the Beach Golf sporting discipline.
To do this, we will involve 5 Students of the Degree in Sport Sciences (or, as an alternative, 4 students + 1 phd/teacher), from 15 Member States, for a total of 75 people.
These students will be invited to take part in a training course, lasting 7 days, to be held in Italy, in Pescara, approximately in the next month of February 2019 (the official date will be confirmed soon).
Once in Pescara, students will attend a high-level university course useful for obtaining the BGSA Instructor International license, for the Beach Golf and We Golf disciplines.
After completing the course, and passing a qualifying exam, each of them will receive a kit of technical and educational equipment through which they can return to their home cities and involve a middle school in their city in this project.
In this school will be organized an educational path that will focus on the theme of sport as a tool to combat bullying, all in ways that will be explained during the high formation of Pescara.
We need your cooperation to organize this educational path.
First of all, it should be organized a conference, in the School aula magna, in which the 5 University students will explain the activities done in Italy, in order to introduce the project, and let other students be aware of the activities. (THIS SHOULD BE ORGANIZED IN MARCH 2019)
After that, the 5 University students will become “teacher” at school, introducing Beach Golf practise activities. We suggest to do it during Phisycal Education classes, and involve at least 5 classes, about 100 Students. students will learn how to play Golf, thanks our methodology. It is very important to know that Beach Golf & We Golf activities could be organized everywhere, in absolute safety (for example in gyms, in urban parks, open air), so that it is possible to organize it inside or outside a school.
All the technical equipment will be bring to by the 5 University Students. (all the equipment will be delivered during the high formation in Pescara)
In addition to the practise path, we need to organize a teorichal path, about the anti-bullying. The 5 University Students will organize 2 different speech (it could be organized for different classes, or all together). (ALL THESE ACTIVITIES NEED TO BE ORGANIZED IN PERIOD MARCH-JUNE 2019)
Students will get further information in a virtual platform, in which all the material will be shared, and in which they will test their ability thanks special virtual game focused on the anti-bullying.
At the end of this project in schools, the 5 instructors of each country will select a team of 10 middle school students, and will return to Pescara for a big European event next September 2019, where they will meet with other boys from the other 14 Partner Countries ‘initiative, for a total of 225 partecipants.
The selection will be based both on practical and teorichal tools.
After the practical lessons, will be organized a special game, that will involve all the students partecipants at the project, and will be done a standing.
The same for the teorichal lesson, which will be followed by tests, both written and virtual, on the virtual platform.
The best 10 students, will be selected to partecipate at the “Anti-Bullying European Event” that will be organized in Pescara, Italy, in the next September 2019, in addition to the 5 Universities Students. (THE SELECTION NEED TO BE DONE WITHIN THE END OF JUNE 2019)
All expenses will be fully covered by the BGSA, both for participating students and for universities and partner schools.
Nothing will be required.
Once ended the Big Event in Pescara, once back in your City/Country, will be organized a final seminar at your University, involving 5 Beach Golf Instructors + 10 middle school students partecipants at the event.